Namibia Album 2

Namibia Land Rover Adventure – 2002. These photos are of our trip along the Ugab River then through to Walvis Bay and further south to Sandwich Bay. The rain that had greened up the desert around the Damaraland Camp had also caused the Ugab River to flood, washing away the river bed in some places and leaving pools of water and quicksand in what is normally a dry and easily drivable river bed.
Entering the Ugab. The fun begins!
Stuck - The first run in with quicksand
To go around the quicksand we had to go through the rocks.
More rocks. Slow driving and hard on the vehicles
More quicksand. We are now getting better at retrieval.
Evening on the Ugab River. The sun is going down and there are still a few miles to go. It will be 5:30am before we finally arrive at the camp.
Ugab River Camp. The camp was 60km from the Damaraland Camp according to the GPS and 112km actual driving. It took more than 21 hours.
This "house" was not far from the main camp for the Ugab Save the Rhino reserve
The interior desert, we are heading for the coast.
A seal colony on the Skeleton Coast, Namibia. What you don't get from the picture is the smell! We had to wash all our clothes after this.
This seal invited himself aboard our boat - Walvis Bay, Namibia
A pelican coming in for a landing. Walvis Bay, Namibia.
This fishing boat is sitting so low in the water because it is full to overflowing with fish (anchovies).
This is a man-made island set up to attract the sea birds. It's cleared of the resulting tons of guano once a year.
Dolphin, Walvis Bay
A shipwreck, Walvis Bay. This is why the area is known as the Skeleton Coast
Birds, Walvis Bay
This is one of the many massive sand dunes in the area of Walvis Bay
Sand dunes, Walvis Bay. We had a good time quading through the dunes.
Sand boarding, Walvis Bay Namibia. The small dot at the top right is people. That's where you start from. Fast & fun.